About the New Orleans Chesterton Society

Greetings Chestertonians!


If you live in the New Orleans area and are interested in learning more about the life and works of GK Chesterton, you’ve come to the right place!

We are a small, but lively, group who enjoy Chesterton’s wit and wisdom. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except December. We open a bottle of wine, relax, and take turns reading aloud from our current selection of Chesterton’s works. After each selection we discuss the essay or chapter and share our thoughts. There is no need to prepare in advance: it is come as you are, come when you can.

We meet from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the rectory of St Patrick’s Church, 724 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA 70130. No need to be a Chesterton expert to join the group. An interest in him or his writings, or a curiosity to know more, is enough to enjoy the meetings. Simply send us your email on the “Contact” page, and you will receive meeting reminders and other updates as they go out.  You can also follow us on Twitter: @ChestertonNola.

“The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues has today all the exhilaration of a vice.”

-GK Chesterton